domingo, 24 de mayo de 2020

5th Kahoot! and "STOP" game (Week 25th to 29th May)

Hello guys!!    How are you?

This week we are going to do two exercices.

Let's play KAHOOT!  and "STOP" game!

Are you ready?? ….     Here we go!!!

1-. The first one is a quizz with Kahoot! 

You have to go these two links and write your name and group, so that I can see who has participated.

🐯🐰🐕🐋Kahoot! 1 (Animals)

👮💂 Kahoot! 2 (People and professions)

Escribe tu nombre y curso, y después haz clic en  OK, para empezar. 

2-. "STOP" game. Is a funny fame for students of all ages!!

You have to select a letter (A, B, C, D...) to start and write the words of the different categories (names, colours, food, objects…) that starts with that letter. The player that gets more correct words wins!  

Students write the words in the correct categories and when one of them finishes first to complete the categories he or she shouts STOP!
Then, the students check their score and add the total points on the last square "POINTS".  

👀You can use your dictionary!!👀

5 points --> When there is more than one person with the same word. 
10 points --> When the Word is not repeated.

0 points --> When the category is empty.

You can play this game with your family, a friend, or even alone!

 You can send me some pictures with your game!!!

If you need a letter helper, click on the next link. 

Have a Good week!!!

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